So Over Being Pregnant

With twelve days left until our due date, I am so over being pregnant. I’ve been saying that for a couple of weeks now, but I’m really and truly over it. I think I’ve done a pretty good job with not complaining up until this point, so this post is really going to let my chief complaints fly.

I’ve been able to walk practically every day, although now I’m at the speed where I’m faster than most octogenarians, but slower than the ugly Muscovy ducks that have invaded Coral Springs. I can’t wait to move like a normal human being again, and even better, go for a run.

I’m tired of feeling like my body no longer belongs to me. Everything hurts at some point during the day, especially my feet. I have passed the point of being able to comfortably wear shoes. It hurts my belly too much to bend over to put them on. Luckily, I live in Florida where flip flops are socially acceptable footwear for nearly every occasion so I’ve been living in those.

Sleeping used to be one of my favorite things to do, naps were awesome and I almost always felt better afterwards. Now, if I can sleep for two hours in a row without having to get up to go to the bathroom or change positions in bed (which involves carefully and slowly using my upper body to flip sides) I consider the sleep a success. I know sleep will continue to be interrupted once Baby Boy arrives, but at least there will be a much better reason for my tiredness.

To end on a positive note, Keith keeps saying that I’m rocking this pregnancy like an all star. And for the most part I agree, especially because Keith is so great at helping me feel better. I’m in my 38th week and currently Baby Boy is the size of a pumpkin (18.9-20.9 inches long, and 6.2-9.2 pounds). The real reason I’m so over being pregnant is that we can’t wait to meet our Baby Boy within the next few weeks – it’s going to be an awesome adventure.