Tag Archives: paternity leave

Our Lovely Little Bubble

Our time spent living in our little paternity leave bubble is almost complete. Keith goes back to work tomorrow, and it has been wonderful having him home for the past two weeks. He has played a million and seven games of Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It and Connect Four with Henry, taken point for mostly all things Henry, attended doctor’s appointments, and swaddled and performed diaper changes whenever necessary for Elliot. In other words, he’s been a great dad who has worked hard during his leave time, which has not been a vacation. 
This has allowed me to focus on my nursing relationship with Elliot; nursing on demand whenever he likes. I’ve also been sleeping as much as possible (but still not as much as I like/need) to be as rested as I can to survive the upcoming onslaught of having two kids demanding my time and attention simultaneously. I am definitely feeling intimidated by tomorrow, but Keith says I can do it so he must be right. It’s just going to be difficult at first until I get a routine going again. It will happen. Until that time, I have a team of awesome family and friends to help because it takes a village or something. Wish me luck.